地址 | 339 Isshiki Hayama-machi Miura-gun Kanagawa, 日本郵編:238-0026 |
負責人姓名 | Atsushi Umehara |
年銷售額 | 非公開 |
公司人數 | 非公開 |
網址 |
詳情 | 價格 & 數量 | ||
S1 |
克里希纳,立式,黄铜材质,高约 46.5 厘米
クリシュナ 立像 重厚なブラス製 高さ:46.5cm程度
批發價: 僅限會員查看
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商品規格 |
*克里希纳雕像 克里希纳是印度神话中神的化身,被描绘成爱神、冒险之神、智慧之神和战斗之神。他的故事在《摩呵婆罗多》和《薄伽梵歌》等印度史诗以及其他圣典中都有详细描述。据说,他从小到大的冒险经历和教诲向人们传授了永恒的真理和道德。 人们还认为,克利须那吹奏的笛子象征着爱、美和神圣的喜悦,具有净化聆听者心灵的力量,能引导他们进入他的世界。 *由黄铜制成,自古以来一直使用。 该作品由黄铜制成,自古以来一直用于制作佛像,其坚实的尺寸和真实性给人一种比实际重量更重的感觉。我们相信,黄铜的光泽和精雕细琢的工艺一定会让您满意。 *迷人的吹笛之神 克里希纳以其美丽的男性形象而闻名,他有着柔软的身体、蓝色的皮肤和长长的睫毛。他是一位年轻的牧牛人,具有神秘的神性美德,他的笛声是如此迷人,以至于男女老幼以及动物、植物和树木都迷失在他的音乐中。印度北部的文林达万森林是著名的圣地,传说他在那里与心爱的情人*Rādhā 进行神圣的游戏。在印度传统中,恋人相爱的方式等同于理想的虔诚,拉达也被视为奎师那最虔诚的信徒。 *拉达调皮捣蛋,也有男子汉的一面...... 关于克里希纳有许多神话传说。小时候,克里希纳是个淘气鬼,他会趁母亲亚修达尔不在家时偷偷涂抹黄油。甚至在年轻时,他还会偷偷藏起在森林里洗澡的妇女的纱丽。另一方面,他也因一个仁慈而强大的男人情节而闻名,在这个情节中,他拔出一座山,将其举起作为雨伞,保护被暴雨淹没的村庄里的人们。 |
寄送方式 | 預計抵達時間 |
Sea Mail | 從 04月04日 到 06月06日 |
Air Mail | 從 03月19日 到 03月21日 |
EMS | 從 03月18日 到 03月21日 |
Pantos Express | 從 03月20日 到 03月25日 |
DHL | 從 03月18日 到 03月20日 |
UPS | 從 03月18日 到 03月20日 |
FedEx | 從 03月18日 到 03月20日 |
黄铜 [产品尺寸] 约 46.50 厘米 x 16 厘米 x 9.50 厘米,约 5600 克 [类别]民族商品:印度神 [标签]克里希纳拉达神像 印度教神像 印度神饰品 民族用品:印度货 亚洲货 |
克里希纳以其美丽的男性形象而闻名,他有着柔软的身体、蓝色的皮肤和长长的睫毛。他是一位年轻的牧牛人,具有神秘的神性美德,他的笛声是如此迷人,以至于男女老幼以及动物、植物和树木都迷失在他的音乐中。印度北部的文林达万森林是著名的圣地,传说他在那里与心爱的情人*Rādhā 进行神圣的游戏。在印度传统中,恋人相爱的方式等同于理想的虔诚,拉达也被视为奎师那最虔诚的信徒。
Krishna is an incarnation of God in Hindu mythology and is portrayed as the god of love, adventure, wisdom, and battle. His story is described in detail in Indian epics such as the Mahabharata and the Bhagavad*Gita and other sacred texts. His adventures and teachings from childhood to adulthood are said to impart eternal truths and morals to people.
It is also believed that the flute played by Krishna symbolizes love, beauty, and divine joy, and has the power to purify the hearts of those who listen and guide them into his presence.
*Made of brass, which has been used since ancient times.
The solid size and authenticity of the piece, made of brass, which has been used since ancient times to make Buddhist statues, give it a heavier feel than its actual weight. We are sure that you will be satisfied with the shine of the brass and the finely carved workmanship.
*A fascinating flute-playing god
Krishna is known for his beautiful male form, with a supple body, blue skin, and long eyelashes. He is a young cowherd with mysterious divine virtues, and the sound of his flute is so enchanting that men, women, and children of all ages, as well as animals, plants, and trees, lose themselves in his music. The forests of Vrindavan in northern India are famous as a sacred place, where he is said to play divine games with his beloved lover *Rādhā. In Indian tradition, the way lovers love each other is equated with ideal piety, and Radha is also seen as Krishna's most devout devotee.
*Ladar is mischievous and has a manly side...
There are many myths about Krishna. As a child, Krishna was a naughty boy who would sneak butter while his mother, Yashodhar, was away. Even as a young man, he would secretly hide the saris of women bathing in the forest. On the other hand, he is also known for a benevolent and powerful manly episode in which he pulls out a mountain and lifts it up to use it as an umbrella to protect the people of a village flooded by heavy rains.