地址 | 302 Benzaiten cho Nakagyo-ku Kyoto, 日本邮编:604-0093 |
负责人姓名 | Takumi Suzuki |
年收 | 不显示 |
公司人数 | 不显示 |
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S1 |
縮小巻物 信貴山縁起絵巻 3巻セット
批发价: 仅限会员
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制造产地: 日本
材质/成分: 规格。
SAKI封面纸,Makiko装订,日语-英语注释,包括歌词,用布条包裹的布条装订 印刷方法 玻璃板(拼版单色印刷) 包装: 单独的盒子
产品标签: 无标签
*鳞画卷轴[国宝:重山英寿绘卷](一套三卷)* 平安时代 平安时代,长宗寺斋堂 [与《源氏物语》、《禽鸟图》、《源氏物语》齐名的日本四大画卷之一。这三幅画卷现在都有拼贴画版本。这些画卷制作于平安时代晚期(794-1185 年),描绘的是有关明仁的故事。奈良县生驹郡长御尊寺)的核心人物明仁的故事,笔触生动诙谐。 户部仓之卷 一个关于米仓飞天、米包飞回大地的神秘故事。 故事讲述了拥有飞碗术的梅仁乞求施舍的故事。在酋长疑惑不解的抱怨声中,梅仁又把米包还给了酋长。生动地描绘了人们对眼前发生的奇迹的反应。 英吉-卡莫奇卷轴 美仁的祈祷治愈了皇帝的疾病。 英仁天皇(醍醐天皇)病重时,以法力无边著称的明仁应邀前往首都(京都)祈福。但他仍留在志贺山,为天皇祈求痊愈。还有文献记载,明仁实际上是应邀前往京城的。 尼姑的卷轴 在东大寺大佛的建议下,美仁与姐姐平安团聚。 年少时,美仁离开家乡*信浓国,前往奈良修行。 她请求找到失踪的哥哥,并与姐姐团聚。两人在东大寺大佛殿前平安团聚,向大佛祈求团圆。这幅作品中绘制的大佛殿是该建筑初建时的珍贵记录。 *什么是拼版印刷*? 胶版印刷是一种常见的印刷方法,它以密集的小点来表现色彩和阴影,而拼版印刷则以连续的渐变来表现色彩和阴影。拼版印刷则是以连续渐变的方式表现色彩和阴影,这使得细节更加逼真和精确,类似于照片。 |
配送方法 | 估计到达 |
Sea Mail | 从 04月07日 到 06月09日 |
Air Mail | 从 03月20日 到 03月24日 |
EMS | 从 03月19日 到 03月24日 |
Pantos Express | 从 03月21日 到 03月26日 |
DHL | 从 03月19日 到 03月21日 |
UPS | 从 03月19日 到 03月21日 |
FedEx | 从 03月19日 到 03月21日 |
[与《源氏物语》、《禽鸟图》、《源氏物语》齐名的日本四大画卷之一。这三幅画卷现在都有拼贴画版本。这些画卷制作于平安时代晚期(794-1185 年),描绘的是有关明仁的故事。奈良县生驹郡长御尊寺)的核心人物明仁的故事,笔触生动诙谐。
年少时,美仁离开家乡*信浓国,前往奈良修行。 她请求找到失踪的哥哥,并与姐姐团聚。两人在东大寺大佛殿前平安团聚,向大佛祈求团圆。这幅作品中绘制的大佛殿是该建筑初建时的珍贵记录。
Heian period, Lent by Chagosonji temple
[The Shigisan Engi Emaki (Picture Scroll of the auspicious omen of Mt. Shigi) is one of the four most famous picture scrolls in Japan, along with The Tale of Genji, Caricatures of Birds and Beasts, and Ban Dainagon's Picture Scrolls. All three scrolls are now available in collotype format. The scrolls were produced in the late Heian period (794-1185), and depict stories about Meiren, a Buddhist priest who was a central figure in the Shigisan temple (Chogosonji, Ikoma County, Nara Prefecture), with lively and witty brush strokes.
Tobikura no maki
A mysterious tale of a rice granary flying through the sky and rice bales flying back to the earth.
The story of Meiren, who possesses the power of flying bowls, begging for alms. A rice granary belonging to a wealthy chief. When the bowl is hit by Meiren's Dharma power, it sends the entire storehouse flying into the air. At the bewildered chief's complaint, Meiren returns the bale of rice to the chief again. The reactions of the people who are flustered by the miracle that occurs before their eyes are vividly portrayed.
Engi-Kamochi Scroll
Meiren's blessing prayer heals the emperor's illness.
When the emperor Engi (Emperor Daigo) suffered from a serious illness, Meiren, who was known for his legal power, was invited to the capital (Kyoto) to pray for the emperor's healing. However, he remained at Mt. Shigi and prayed for the emperor's healing. It is also documented that Meiren was actually invited to the capital.
The Nun's Scroll
At the suggestion of the Great Buddha of Todaiji Temple, Meiren is safely reunited with her elder sister.
When she was young, Meiren left her hometown* of Shinano Province and went to Nara to practice Buddhism. She asked for her brother, who had disappeared, and her sister, a nun, went on a journey all the way to Nara. The two are safely reunited in front of the Great Buddha Hall of Todaiji Temple, where they pray to the Great Buddha for their reunion. The Daibutsuden painted in this work is a valuable record of the building as it was when it was first constructed.
*What is a collotype*?
While offset printing, a common printing method, expresses colors and shading with a density of small dots, collotype expresses them in continuous gradation, which allows for more realistic and precise detail, similar to that of photographs.