地址 | World-Bldg6-8-1 Minatojimanakamachi Kobeshichuoku Hyogo, 日本邮编:650-8585 |
年收 | 不显示 |
公司人数 | 95 |
网址 | |
锅 日本制造
详情 | 价格 & 数量 | ||
S1 |
批发价: 仅限会员
S2 |
批发价: 仅限会员
尺寸 |
[20cm]302*218*172 直径200 深度120(mm) 满水容量4.0L
[22cm]324*238*185 直径220 深度140(mm) 满水容量5.0L |
商品规格 |
制造产地: 日本
材质/成分: 四面7层结构:5层具有良好导热性的铝被夹在不锈钢之间。热效率均匀地分布在整个表面,从而节省了热能,减少了烹饪时间。产品的重量是美味烹饪的秘密。
包装: 独立包装
制造年份: 2020
产品标签: 附标签
*可在公司自己的电子商务网站上销售。 ~点击这里查看宫崎制作所的产品列表。 煲仔饭锅:方便大家做喜欢的咖喱、炖菜、煲仔饭等,善于利用余热逐渐浸泡味道。你可以享受到正宗的炖煮菜肴。 Geo*Product是邀请食品教育领域的权威专家服部幸雄博士开发的炊具,将培养健康饮食的食品教育放在首位。我们希望用美味的食物喂养我们宝贵的家人,传达真实的味道。这就是追求超越时代的不变价值的终极锅。这是追求超越时代的不变价值的终极壶,实现了可靠的质量和功能,可供父母和子女三代使用。 GEO*产品的功能之美 [1,炖煮:在余热中缓慢地炖煮:余热使菜肴保持柔软的核心,而不会失去形状。味道会逐渐浸入。 [关于余热烹饪]。 炖菜和咖喱等炖品会随着食材的冷却而变得更加美味,因此关闭火源并利用余热是烹饪它们的最佳方式。另外,煮熟的豆子,往往味道不均匀或容易散开,可以使其变得松软可口。 [煮:用无水煮法轻松煮豆子]:煮豆子时只需加一点水,这样可以保持食材的营养和口感。完好无损。 [关于无水烹饪] 无水烹饪是一种烹饪方法,即只用少量的水来煮蔬菜和鸡蛋。锅的加热激活了水封(水膜),它将锅体和锅盖密封起来,并且这种烹饪方法是由GEO*产品的精心结构实现的。 [充分利用食材的健康烹饪也是可能的。充分利用食材的健康烹饪也是可能的。 [4、Bake*Fry:无油烹饪的健康烘焙]:不需要额外的油,因为原料中的油含量被有效地利用于烘焙。[4、Bake*Fry:无油烹饪的健康烘焙]:不需要额外的油,因为原料中的油含量被有效地利用于烘焙。 [关于无油烹饪]。 无油烹饪是指通过充分利用原料中的油含量来进行烘焙。剩余热量不足会导致食物粘在锅上或烧焦,因此在加入食物和其他成分之前,要用中火彻底加热锅。[5,烤箱烹饪:烤肉可以在整个锅中烘烤]:均匀分布在整个锅中的高热效率使整个锅可以在一个锅中进行烹饪。贯穿整个平底锅,可以将整个平底锅放在烤箱中,或作为烤箱的替代品。 [关于烤箱烹饪]。 你可以在一个平底锅里烘烤蛋糕。 将面糊直接放入平底锅,然后放在很低的温度下,由于水封,平底锅本身就可以作为一个烤箱。过去需要各种烹饪工具的蛋糕烘焙,现在可以轻松享受。 它还擅长于整个锅的烹饪。它还擅长于将整个锅放在烤箱内的烹饪。 [它还擅长于将整个锅放在烤箱内的烹饪。经济,节省煤气和电费。 厨房的新生活 日本制造 |
配送方法 | 估计到达 |
Sea Mail | 此商品的交货日期不确定。 |
Air Mail | |
EMS | |
Pantos Express | |
DHL | |
UPS | |
FedEx |
兼容热源:燃气 * 电磁炉加热器(200 伏) * 电饭煲(护套加热器 * 卤素加热器 * 辐射加热器 * 外壳加热器) * 烤箱
*不能使用微波炉。 *不建议使用洗碗机。 *可在我们的电子商务网站上销售 *请注意,除有缺陷的产品外,我们不接受发货后取消订单。 *我们从制造商的库存中发货,因此可能会出现缺货的情况。 *由于产品直接从各生产商发货,因此实际发货情况与我们的沟通可能存在差异。 *如因商品缺货等原因,无法满足免费送货条件时,将不收取运费。 *由于我们正在进行远程办公,如有任何疑问,请留言联系我们。 |
你可以在一个平底锅里烘烤蛋糕。 将面糊直接放入平底锅,然后放在很低的温度下,由于水封,平底锅本身就可以作为一个烤箱。过去需要各种烹饪工具的蛋糕烘焙,现在可以轻松享受。 它还擅长于整个锅的烹饪。它还擅长于将整个锅放在烤箱内的烹饪。
~Click here to see the product list of Miyazaki Mfg.
Pot-au-feu pot: Convenient for everyone's favorite curry, stew, pot-au-feu, etc. It is good at soaking up flavors gradually by using residual heat. It is also hard to boil over, and the dish comes out beautifully. You can enjoy authentic stewed dishes.
Geo*Product is a cookingware developed by inviting Dr. Yukio Hattori, a leading expert in food education, to place the highest priority on food education, which nurtures a healthy body and a rich mind. [We want to feed our precious family with delicious food, convey the true taste of the ingredients, cook healthy and safe meals, and make cooking easy and fun. This is the ultimate pot that pursues unchanging value that transcends the ages, and achieves reliable quality and functionality that can be used by parents and children for three generations. *It comes with a 15-year long warranty.
Functional beauty of GEO* products
[1, Simmering: Slowly cook stews in the residual heat: The residual heat keeps the dish soft to the core without losing its shape. The flavor will soak in gradually.
[About residual heat cooking]
Stewed dishes such as stews and curries become tastier as the ingredients cool down, so turning off the heat and using the residual heat is the perfect way to cook them. Also, cooked beans, which tend to taste uneven or fall apart easily, can be made fluffy and tasty.
[Boiling: Boil the beans easily with anhydrous cooking]: Boil the beans with just a little water, so the nutrition and taste of the ingredients remain intact.
[About anhydrous cooking]
Anhydrous cooking is a cooking method in which vegetables and eggs are boiled with only a little water. The nutritional vitamins and minerals, flavor and taste are preserved, and the color of the food is brightened. The heating of the pot activates the water seal (water film), which seals the body and lid and keeps the inside at a constant temperature* and pressure. This cooking method is made possible by the elaborate structure of GEO* PRODUCTS.
[3, Steaming: Steamed dishes with concentrated flavor]: Steamed cooking locks in flavor and nutrition. Healthy cooking that makes the most of the ingredients is also possible.
[4, Bake*Fry: Healthy baking with oil-free cooking]: No extra oil is needed because the oil content of the ingredients is effectively utilized for baking.
[About oil-free cooking].
Oil-free cooking means baking by making the best use of the oil content of the ingredients. It is very healthy because it uses a minimum amount of oil. Insufficient residual heat can cause food to stick to the pan or burn, so warm the pan thoroughly over medium heat before adding food and other ingredients, and then cook over low or medium heat. [5, Oven Cooking: Gratin can be baked in the entire pan]: The high heat efficiency that is evenly distributed throughout the entire pan allows the entire pan to be placed in the oven or used as a substitute for the oven.
[About Oven Cooking].
You can bake a cake in a single pan. By putting the batter directly into the pan and placing it over very low heat, the pan itself acts as an oven thanks to the water seal. Cake baking, which used to require a variety of cooking tools, can now be easily enjoyed. It also excels at cooking in which the entire pot is placed inside the oven.
[6, Cooking*Frying]: The excellent heat conduction and heat retention properties allow you to cook rice to the core and fry food in a short time. It is also economical, saving on gas and electricity bills.
Kitchen New Life
Made in Japan