Mitsui Pottery Inc.
地址 | 1084 Dachi-chou Toki-shi Gifu, 日本邮编:509-5401 |
负责人姓名 | Toshihiro Fujii |
年收 | 不显示 |
公司人数 | 5 |
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详情 | 价格 & 数量 | ||
S1 |
蓝白条纹猫,15 号,48 厘米
染付猫15号 48cm
批发价: 仅限会员
尺寸 |
商品规格 |
濑户烧已有 1300 年的历史。 招财猫一直被当作吉祥物,能带来生意兴隆、家庭幸福和顾客盈门。 [红猫的含义] 红猫被珍视为祛病的象征,也作为祈求长寿的象征而广为流传。 [举起右手的万年青] 举起右手的招财猫是招来好运的猫。这里的 "福 "主要指财运。非常适合希望增加财运和运气的人。 [举手长短的含义]。 举起的手也有高低之分。举过耳朵的手被称为 "长手",而适度举起低于耳朵的手被称为 "长手"。人们认为,手伸得越长,招来的祝福越远、越大;手越短,招来的祝福越远、越大。而手越短,招来的是越熟悉的小幸福。 [所携带物品的含义]。 招财猫的形象是拿着一个 "手棒",但早期的招财猫并没有 "手棒",大多数招财猫的衣领上都挂着一个铃铛。招财猫身上绘有一定数量的钱和 "开运"、"福禄 "等吉祥语,直接反映了人们的愿望。值得注意的是,神轿上所绘的钱数与神轿上所绘的 "开运"、"福禄 "等吉祥语有很大的不同。值得注意的是,随着时间的推移,"神额 "上的金额从 [万两] 增加到 [十亿两]。 基本上,金额越少,就越被认为是年代久远。 东、西、南、北、南、东,放在哪里? 如果是商店,招财猫的基本摆放位置是店门口;如果是住家,招财猫的基本摆放位置是大门口。如果放在家里,也可以放在客厅或其他家人经常能看到的地方。 请点击这里订购我们的产品目录,里面有大约 20,000 种商品。 |
配送方法 | 估计到达 |
Sea Mail | 从 04月17日 到 06月19日 |
Air Mail | 从 04月01日 到 04月03日 |
EMS | 从 03月31日 到 04月03日 |
Pantos Express | 从 04月02日 到 04月07日 |
DHL | 从 03月31日 到 04月02日 |
UPS | 从 03月31日 到 04月02日 |
FedEx | 从 03月31日 到 04月02日 |
我们与一些制造商共享库存。 我们定期更新我们的库存,但可能会暂时缺货。 然而,有时我们可能别无选择,只能因库存暂时短缺而取消您的订单。 如果你想知道最新的库存状况,请联系我们。 |
举起右手的招财猫是招来好运的猫。这里的 "福 "主要指财运。非常适合希望增加财运和运气的人。
举起的手也有高低之分。举过耳朵的手被称为 "长手",而适度举起低于耳朵的手被称为 "长手"。人们认为,手伸得越长,招来的祝福越远、越大;手越短,招来的祝福越远、越大。而手越短,招来的是越熟悉的小幸福。
招财猫的形象是拿着一个 "手棒",但早期的招财猫并没有 "手棒",大多数招财猫的衣领上都挂着一个铃铛。招财猫身上绘有一定数量的钱和 "开运"、"福禄 "等吉祥语,直接反映了人们的愿望。值得注意的是,神轿上所绘的钱数与神轿上所绘的 "开运"、"福禄 "等吉祥语有很大的不同。值得注意的是,随着时间的推移,"神额 "上的金额从 [万两] 增加到 [十亿两]。 基本上,金额越少,就越被认为是年代久远。
请点击这里订购我们的产品目录,里面有大约 20,000 种商品。
The beckoning cat has long been used as a good-luck charm that brings prosperity in business, happiness in the family, and the arrival of many customers.
[Meaning of Red Cat]
The red cat is prized as a symbol to ward off illness, and is also popular as a prayer for longevity.
[Manekineko with raised right hand]
A beckoning cat with its right hand raised is a cat that invites good fortune. The word "blessing" here mainly refers to luck in money. This beckoning cat is perfect for people who wish to increase their money and luck.
[Meaning of the length of the upraised hand]
There is also a difference in the height of the raised hand. The hands that are raised above the ears are called "long hands" and those that are raised modestly below the ears are called "short hands." It is believed that the longer the hands are extended, the more distant and bigger blessings are invited, and the shorter the hands are, the more familiar and small happiness is invited.
[Meaning of the items they carry].
The image of a beckoning cat is that of holding a koban, but early beckoning cats did not have kobans, and most had a bell hanging from their collars. It is said that this bell gradually changed to a koban. The koban is painted with an amount of money and auspicious words such as "kaiun" (good luck) and "sho-fuku" (good fortune), directly reflecting the wish that was put into the beckoning cat. It is interesting to note that the amount of money depicted on the koban has increased over time from [senryo] [ten thousand ryo] [ten thousand ryo] to [billion ryo]. The more modest the amount, the older the koban is considered to be, basically.
Where do you put it, east, west, south, north, south, east? z
The basic place to place a beckoning cat is in front of a store if it is a store, or at the front door if it is a home. This is the place where you can invite good fortune and luck to come to you. If you place it at home, you can also place it in the living room or other places where the family can see it often.
Please click here to order our product catalog with approximately 20,000 items.