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Lionpaw and Hollypaw are puzzled when their brother Jaypaw informs them that they are special cats with star power. What is star power? Lionpaw believes his fighting ability is star power, and Hollypaw wonders what she can do to help her family. Soon after the cats return from the Rushing*Water clan, it is discovered that the Wind Tribe has invaded the Thunder camp, and the Thunder are worried. Sol, a strange cat, suddenly appears and tells them that darkness is coming and the sun will disappear. The sun will disappear. And then the incident happened...

SD item code:9785506

Detail Price & Quantity
Erin*Hunter/Written by Yukako Takabayashi/Translated by
エリン・ハンター/作 高林由香子/訳

Wholesale Price: Members Only

1 pc /set In Stock
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Item added on: 2021/10/21
Country of manufacture: Japan
Material / component: Paper
Year of manufacture: 2013


Lionpaw and Hollypaw are puzzled when their brother Jaypaw informs them that they are special cats with star power. What is star power? Lionpaw believes his fighting ability is star power, and Hollypaw wonders what she can do to help her family. Soon after the cats return from the Rushing*Water clan, it is discovered that the Wind Tribe has invaded the Thunder camp, and the Thunder are worried. Sol, a strange cat, suddenly appears and tells them that darkness is coming and the sun will disappear. The sun will disappear. And then the incident happened...


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KOMINE SHOTEN Books Children's Books Literature/Fiction Books Others

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