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SD item code:12637910
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Born in 1959. Illustrator and designer. Graduated from Kuwasawa Design School. President of Taku Tashiro Design Office. Director of Japan Naming Association. professor at Kyushu Sangyo University Faculty of Art since 2016.
In addition to design and illustration planning and production, he also creates advertising department proposals and plans and produces advertising videos, film posters, and catalogs. His many picture books include "What is it?
デザイン、イラストの企画制作の他、広告部案の作成、広告ビデオやフィルムポスター、カタログなどの企画制作も行う。絵本作品に「なに なに なあに」「やさいのうた」「たべもの」「どうぶつ」など、多数ある。
Wholesale Price: Members Only
1 pc /set
In Stock
Dimensions |
A5 (210 x 148 x 20 mm), 288 pages
Specifications |
Country of manufacture: Japan
Material / component: Paper
Year of manufacture: 2024
This volume brings together illustrations, graphic elements, and three-dimensional works that have been central to Taku Tashiro's work over the past 40 years. In this Vol. 3, the works are not graphic design artifacts (books, posters, packages, etc.) as in Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, but are presented as graphic design materials. English-language newspapers and Western magazines that he was working on in the early days of his debut, collages using acrylic paints, markers, etc., slightly H nude nudes, the standard Pantone overlay hair-pulling match, the smudged one-color [Print it Black], the 14-year long series [Reading Drugs] in [Weekly Bunshun], the Illustrations. In addition, [Cabinets], a collaboration by the staff of Taku Tashiro's office, [Koggy Channel], an abstract work [Basic], samples of [marquetry] and [wood inlay], which I am going to work on in the future, and three-dimensional works carved with blood blisters on my hands when I was young, etc. and three-dimensional works that he carved while picking blood blisters out of his hands when he was young. Messages to Taku Tashiro from Mayumi Abe, Saburo Ota, Fumi Kodama, Teruhiko Kaneko, Hiroaki Nagai, Yasuaki Nagumo, Toshio Nomura, Sakae Fukuda, and Yuzuko are also included. |
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In this Vol. 3, the works are not graphic design artifacts (books, posters, packages, etc.) as in Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, but are presented as graphic design materials. English-language newspapers and Western magazines that he was working on in the early days of his debut, collages using acrylic paints, markers, etc., slightly H nude nudes, the standard Pantone overlay hair-pulling match, the smudged one-color [Print it Black], the 14-year long series [Reading Drugs] in [Weekly Bunshun], the Illustrations. In addition, [Cabinets], a collaboration by the staff of Taku Tashiro's office, [Koggy Channel], an abstract work [Basic], samples of [marquetry] and [wood inlay], which I am going to work on in the future, and three-dimensional works carved with blood blisters on my hands when I was young, etc. and three-dimensional works that he carved while picking blood blisters out of his hands when he was young.
Messages to Taku Tashiro from Mayumi Abe, Saburo Ota, Fumi Kodama, Teruhiko Kaneko, Hiroaki Nagai, Yasuaki Nagumo, Toshio Nomura, Sakae Fukuda, and Yuzuko are also included.
このVol.3では、Vol.1やVol.2のようなグラフィックデザインの成果物(書籍やポスター、パッケージ等)ではなく、グラフィックデザインの素材としての作品を掲載する。デビュー間もない頃に取り組んでいた英字新聞や洋雑誌、アクリル絵具やマーカー等を使ったコラージュ、ちょっとHなヌケたヌード、定番のパントンオーバーレイの毛抜き合わせ、スミ一色の『Print it Black』、14年もの長期連載だった『週刊文春』の「読むクスリ」の挿絵。さらには、田代卓事務所のスタッフによるコラボレーションの「Cabinets」、飼育していた犬をテーマにした「Koggy Channel」、抽象作品の「Basic」,これから取り組もうとしている「寄木細工」や「木象嵌」のサンプル、若い頃手の血豆をツブしながら彫った立体作品等々、盛りだくさんな構成となっている。